
What Are the First Symptoms of Hearing Loss?

What Are the First Symptoms of Hearing Loss?

According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, hearing loss affects around 15% of people. Despite its prevalence, only one in every five people who could benefit from hearing aids use them, and those who do wait an average of ten years from the time symptoms first appear. This is most likely due to the fact that hearing loss is progressive, and many people are unaware they have it until it is severe.

It is critical to seek therapy as soon as possible because untreated hearing loss is linked to anxiety, depression, falls, and even dementia. The next section discusses the early indicators of hearing loss.

You can hear but not comprehend.

Many patients with early hearing loss claim that they can hear quite well but have difficulty understanding what is said. This is because high-frequency sounds, such as consonants, are frequently the first to go. This can make it difficult to distinguish between a "vehicle" and a "fan." Some of the most difficult sounds for those who have early hearing loss include s, f, th, sh, v, k, and p.

Background Nosie Is Difficult

People with early hearing loss may also struggle to follow conversations in locations with a lot of background noise, such as Empire Cafe. This is because other people's talks, clanking plates, and kitchen noises can drown out your conversation partner's voice.

It's Difficult to Talk on the Phone

Talking on the phone is another famously tough listening setting for persons with early hearing loss. This is due to the fact that you may be relying on visual cues to follow along without realising it. These cues, such as lipreading, facial expressions, and gestures, are absent when speaking on the phone.

It Is Exhausting to Socialize

Many persons with early hearing loss have what audiologists call "listening fatigue." Listening fatigue is the exhaustion that results from straining to listen, follow along, and respond appropriately while socializing. You may have early hearing loss if you feel especially tired after social events.

It's ideal to keep yourself as educated with your hearing aids and a new breakthrough in the technology. Ask your query via Book an Appointment today. For more information visit or you can call us today at (403)605-6300