First and foremost, don't overreact - And back off of yourself
Heaps of individuals get their hearing aids wet - particularly soon after they got them.
Perhaps you unintentionally showered with your hearing aids on. Or on the other hand maybe you hopped into a pool with lighthearted leave.
Bravo! You are simply doing what's typical. This means that your hearing aids are currently a characteristic piece of you to a place where you fail to remember that you are wearing them.
The uplifting news is: your hearing aids ought to be fine.
Hearing aids are intended to endure a wide range of day to day existence circumstances, incorporating getting found out in the downpour, burning some calories or getting momentarily doused. You want to eliminate them assuming you swim, yet this isn't required for exercises like cruising, nor when it downpours.
At the point when we test our hearing aids at Oticon, they need to endure substantially more than that.
How much water can hearing aids make due?
During our quality testing of new hearing aids, we place them under 1.5 meters of water for 30 minutes - which they ought to have the option to endure to meet the supposed IP68 standard for electronic gadgets. This is a similar standard arrived at by present day cell phones, which can likewise endure openness to water and residue in the event that it isn't delayed.
This implies our hearing aids are water safe and ready to endure an incidental dunking.
Nonetheless, this doesn't imply that they are waterproof, and any more rough or delayed openness to water - like going through a clothes washer cycle - may destroy them.
On the off chance that this happened to your hearing aids, we suggest giving them a decent drying out. They could possibly make due.
Instructions to dry your hearing aids
We suggest the accompanying assuming your hearing aids get sweat-soaked or wet, particularly during the damp states of summer.
Stage 1 - Remove the battery if conceivable
On the off chance that you have expendable batteries, eliminate them and dispose of them as indicated by your neighborhood guidelines. Then, at that point, leave the battery drawers open.
Assuming you have battery-powered hearing aids, you can't eliminate the batteries. Then just turn your hearing aids off.
Stage 2 - Leave to dry
There are more ways of doing this:
Put your hearing aids on dry, delicate paper in a warm, very much ventilated region.
Place your battery-powered hearing aids in the Oticon SmartCharger. The charging will make the temperature under the charger top ascent, and this hotter condition can be utilized to dry the hearing guide while they charge.
Never put your hearing aids in the microwave or stove as an excess of intensity can rapidly harm them unrecoverable. This could likewise occur on the off chance that you utilize a hairdryer to dry them.
On the off chance that your hearing aids don't work, contact your Hearing Care Professional for help.
Utilizing a hearing guide dryer
A hearing guide dryer is a committed item for drying hearing aids.
Electric hearing guide dryers are reason made gadgets comprising of a plastic box into which you put your hearing aids. They utilize various advances to dry hearing aids, including warm air, desiccants (drying specialists), and UV light.
Non-electric hearing guide dryers are more straightforward and generally less expensive. They for the most part comprise of a container or pot containing a desiccant like silica gel, into which you put your hearing aids. The dehumidifying substance (drying specialist) in the container or pot then coaxes the dampness out of your hearing aids.
If it's not too much trouble, note that hearing aids are water and residue safe, so they shouldn't need a dryer. Our battery-powered batteries are nano-covered also, making them impervious to dampness entrance. In the event that you live in a moist region a dehumidifier might be suggested.
For battery-powered batteries it isn't prescribed to utilize a dryer on the off chance that temperatures surpass +40 oC, in light of the fact that the lithium-particle batteries are delicate to warm.
It's ideal to keep yourself as educated with your hearing aids and a new breakthrough in the technology. Ask your query via Book an Appointment today. For more information visit https://hearing.careinc.ca or you can call us today at (403)605-6300