
How To Maximise The Performance Of Your Hearing Aids

 How To Maximise The Performance Of Your Hearing Aids

When you acquire new hearing aids, there are many things to keep in mind. A fast demo will help you get the most out of your Unitron hearing aids and love the experience, whether it's connecting to your smartphone or customising your hearing experience while you're on the road. This makes sense in some ways. Hearing aids, which are used to treat hearing loss because it is an unseen condition, operate best when they are functioning well and can be "forgotten" while being worn. However, hearing aids require routine maintenance to ensure optimum performance, just as we must take care of all of our complex equipment.

There is no doubting the remarkable advantages hearing aids have for your life, whether you just started using them or have been doing so for some time. After having your hearing aids fitted in the morning, you can immediately resume your active day while enjoying rich, full sound. Hearing aids are removed at the end of the day and put away before going to bed.

1. Search the area around the microphone for anything that might be plugging it

Ask your hearing specialist at your subsequent appointment if you are unsure of the location of your microphones. The microphones are found on the portion of a behind-the-ear hearing aid that rests above your ear. Usually, the instrument's very top has two ports. In an in-the-ear hearing aid, the microphone is often near the battery door. To clear any debris from the microphones, you simply sweep them with your brush.

2. Examine your wax guard or sound port

The sound port on some hearing aids, which is where the sound exits the device, is covered by a little wax guard or wax trap. Wax buildup in these areas might clog them and damage the hearing aid. You should swap out your wax trap as needed. Some instruments will instead have a tubing that extends from the instrument in place of this. If so, you can remove the wax by using regular cleaning supplies. Never forget that you may always question your hearing specialist at your subsequent appointment if you are unsure which you have.

3. Keep Your Hearing Aids Dry and Safely Stored

Hearing aids may appear to be a fun toy to children and animals, who have a history of destroying our belongings. In addition to posing a choking risk, rough handling of hearing aids may cause harm. Make sure you have a secure, dry container to store your hearing aids in before you take them out at the gym or the beach. Avoid keeping your aids in your car if you are outside during periods of high heat or cold.

4. Beware of the Wind

As the wind physically hits the microphone and so distorts the sounds that enter it, wind noise can be quite difficult on those who use over-the-counter hearing equipment to raise the level of noises around them.

Finding something to cover your devices' microphones is the best approach to ensure you don't have to sacrifice sound quality if you find yourself in an unavoidably "windy" environment. Wearing your hair down will stop the wind from rubbing the microphones, if you have it and are able to do so. You could also find that wearing a helmet or a hood helps.

5. Cut back on background noise

Our final piece of advice may seem apparent, but it's still important to mention because it's common for us to overlook the little things.

Before having phone talks, try turning off the radio or television. Not only will this assist you hear the other person while streaming phone calls over your device, but it will also help them hear you much better.

This is due to the fact that any additional noise the microphone detects inside your listening bubble will compete for attention and may distort the sounds around it.

6. How to connect your Bluetooth gadgets to hearing aids

Were you aware that our hearing aids may also function as a Bluetooth headset for hands-free phone calls and media streaming? The hearing aids of today are made to work in unison with the rest of your digital life.

Watch this Ask an Audiologist episode to learn how to quickly and simply pair Unitron hearing aids with a smartphone.

7. Simple modifications to customise your hearing aids

When you wake up in the morning, you should be able to put your hearing aids on and forget about them. Most of the time you can thanks to our excellent automatic sound processing. Nevertheless, despite how sophisticated they are, there are times when you can find that, under particular circumstances, you would like something different from what the automatic system is offering.

8. Know the scenarios for which your particular devices have been designed.

This advice is very helpful for those who are thinking about purchasing OTC gadgets, but it is also important for those who have already purchased them to be aware of.

You might be surprised to learn that not all over-the-counter (OTC) devices are the same and that some have been created for very particular uses. It's always good visiting the device manufacturer's website to see where the devices will glow the brightest.

Knowing the environment that your gadgets are intended for might help you set more reasonable expectations for the device's capabilities. It also helps to comprehend what you mean by "background noise" and the acoustics of the settings in which you have trouble hearing.

However, if you've already bought your equipment and are having trouble getting the best sound quality in the settings you need it for because you don't know the environment your equipment was designed for, please don't panic. Our other tips should help you maximise the performance of your equipment regardless of its intended use.

It's ideal to keep yourself as educated with your hearing aids and a new breakthrough in the technology. Ask your query via Book an Appointment today. For more information visit or you can call us today at (403)605-6300