
Can I regain my hearing loss?

Can I regain my hearing loss?

Hearing loss is a global health issue that affects billions of people. It's no surprise that many people wonder if it's possible to regain hearing after losing it. Unfortunately, it is not as simple as popping a pill or going through a quick procedure. Today, we'll separate fact from fiction and discuss how hearing loss can be restored.

Hearing Loss Types

Sensorineural hearing loss is the most common type. This is the result of inner ear or auditory nerve pathway damage, which is most commonly caused by natural ageing or exposure to loud sounds. Sensorineural hearing loss is nearly always irreversible. This means that in most cases, it cannot be undone. It can, however, be treated - but the sooner the better.

Conductive hearing loss is rare. An obstruction or other abnormality in your outer or middle ear prevents sound waves from passing through. Conductive hearing loss can be permanent or temporary, and it can be completely cured in some cases.

Only your hearing care professional can assist you in determining the cause of your hearing loss and prescribing the appropriate treatment. If you're not sure if you have hearing loss, you can take our free online hearing test. It's quick and simple!

Hearing loss surgery options

Implantable cochlear implants. You've probably heard of cochlear implants. They function by sending electrical impulses to the auditory nerve, which the brain interprets as meaningful sound. It may appear to be a great solution, but it is only available to a small number of people who meet a set of strict criteria, one of which is prior use of hearing aids with no improvement.

Stapedectomy. This procedure is most commonly used to treat otosclerosis, a condition in which the stapes (a bone in the middle ear) becomes fixed in place, causing conductive hearing loss. A stapedectomy involves inserting a prosthesis that allows sound waves to travel to the inner ear.

Ear ventilation tubes are inserted. Ventilation tubes are inserted behind the eardrum to relieve pressure. It is most commonly used in children to relieve fluid buildup caused by infection or anatomy. It will have no effect on people who have sensorineural hearing loss.

Can prescription drugs help you recover from hearing loss?

What if there was a magical little pill that could cure your hearing loss? While we are not yet there, there have been some intriguing developments in the use of pharmaceuticals.

According to one study, sea anemones may be able to repair damaged inner ear hair cells in mice, while another discovered similarities between cells in the intestines and those in the cochlea. Steroids can also be used to treat some types of hearing loss, including sudden hearing loss.

These advances are exciting for the scientific community, but if you're looking for a quick cure, you might have to wait a while.

Is it possible to reverse hearing loss?

Only a few types of hearing loss can be completely restored or "cured." The vast majority are fitted with hearing aids. Although hearing aids cannot restore your hearing, Oticon's innovative technology can treat it, allowing you to fully enjoy sound and supporting the health of your brain.

Although permanent hearing loss cannot be completely cured, it is still necessary to treat it and monitor it for any changes in order to prevent it from worsening. You've already taken the first step toward better hearing by visiting a hearing care professional.

It's ideal to keep yourself as educated with your hearing aids and a new breakthrough in the technology. Ask your query via Book an Appointment today. For more information visit or you can call us today at (403)605-6300