
12 Behavioral Patterns That Real damage Hearing Health

12 Behavioral Patterns That Real damage Hearing Health

The majority of people believe that hearing loss is something that happens naturally as you age, or that it is only brought on by exposure to loud noises or severe ear infections, but there are some bad practises that can seriously harm your hearing.

In reality, it's likely that you have at least one habit that puts your hearing at risk. You might find that surprising, but if you look at the following seven behaviours that are bad for your hearing, you will quickly understand why we made that statement.

1. Eating an undesirable diet

Even though there is nothing wrong with the odd bag of chips or piece of cake, your hearing health may be at risk if your diet is primarily made up of junk food and very little in the way of wholesome fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and oily fish.

Your ears, like the rest of your body, require particular nutrients in order to maintain the health of their cells and promote optimal performance. Since injured hearing cells cannot be repaired, a diet rich in zinc, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids is recommended.

2. Being around noisy environments

The most well-known bad habit that can harm your hearing is undoubtedly this one. Additionally, it is one of the most typical reasons of hearing loss, especially in children and young adults. If this sounds like you, you should start by turning your music down and taking regular earbud breaks. Most people expose themselves to loud noises by wearing earbuds too frequently and turning their music up too high.

Wearing earplugs is also advised if you are likely to be subjected to loud noises, such as those at work or concerts.

3. Smoke

Smokers are about 70% more likely to develop hearing loss over the course of their lifetimes. This is due to nicotine's potential to impair the receptors in your ears that allow you to hear. Due to the released free radicals, the chemicals in cigarette smoke can also harm your Genes. Smoking is therefore not only a major contributor to cancer and heart disease, but it is also very bad for your hearing.

4. Attending a movie

If you enjoy watching movies, you may want to pay closer attention to your ears in the future. According to research, the average movie feature is about 94 decibels loud, which is well above the threshold at which hearing loss can occur. That doesn't mean you should stop going to the movies, but if the noise bothers you, consider wearing earplugs to lessen the strain on your ears as much as possible. Many people believe that earplugs completely block out noises, but you can actually purchase earplugs that only slightly muffle the sound for your own safety.

5. Using cotton buds

While it's important to keep your ears clean, excessive ear cleaning can be harmful to your hearing health. The ear canal is lined with delicate skin and hair that helps to protect your ear from dirt and debris. Inserting cotton swabs, fingers, or other objects into the ear canal can cause damage to the skin or hair, leading to inflammation and infection. Over time, this can cause permanent hearing damage. Instead of using cotton swabs or other objects, it's best to clean your ears with a damp cloth or seek professional ear cleaning services. You should immediately cease using cotton swabs to remove wax from your ears if you are one of those people who does it. It's very simple to slip or press too forcefully, which can further damage wax or even rupture your eardrum. Instead, use an ear-cleansing mist.

6. Excessive alcohol consumption

It may impair your brain's capacity for clear interpretation. Your hearing may be affected throughout, though it is more likely to make low-frequency sounds difficult to detect.
This is because drinking to excess can cause toxicity in the inner ear, damaging the hair cells and it can affect the auditory cortex of the brain making it more difficult to comprehend the sounds you hear too.

7. Avoiding Audiologists

You run a higher risk of developing hearing loss if you don't make the time to have your hearing tested by an audiologist at least once a year. This is because you might not notice a problem until it has advanced to a serious stage. Like with most health problems, your prognosis is likely to be better the sooner you obtain a diagnosis.

8. Listening to Loud Music

One of the most common behavioral patterns that can damage hearing health is listening to loud music. Whether it's through headphones or speakers, exposing yourself to loud music for extended periods can lead to permanent hearing damage. The World Health Organization recommends that adults limit their exposure to sounds over 85 decibels (dB) for no more than eight hours a day, and sounds over 100 dB for no more than 15 minutes at a time. As a reference, typical conversational speech is around 60 dB, and loud music at a concert can easily exceed 100 dB. To protect your hearing health, it's essential to listen to music at a reasonable volume and limit your exposure to loud music whenever possible.

9. Ignoring Ear Protection

Another common mistake that can damage hearing health is ignoring ear protection in noisy environments. Whether you're mowing the lawn, using power tools, or attending a concert, exposure to loud noise can cause permanent hearing damage. It's essential to wear ear protection in these situations to reduce your risk of hearing loss. Earplugs and earmuffs are two effective options for protecting your hearing in noisy environments. Make sure to use ear protection consistently and correctly to maximize their effectiveness.

10. Not Treating Ear Infections

Ear infections are a common problem, particularly in children. However, if left untreated, they can cause permanent hearing damage. Infections can lead to inflammation and fluid buildup in the ear, which can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss. It's essential to seek treatment for ear infections promptly to prevent long-term hearing damage.

11. Using Medications that Damage Hearing

Certain medications can cause hearing damage, particularly when used in high doses or over long periods. Some of the most common medications associated with hearing loss include certain antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). If you're taking any medication, it's important to talk to your doctor about the potential side effects, including their impact on your hearing health.

12. Ignoring Hearing Loss

Finally, one of the most damaging behavioral patterns that can affect your hearing health is ignoring hearing loss. Many people avoid seeking treatment for hearing loss because they're embarrassed or believe it's a natural part of aging. However, untreated hearing loss can have significant negative impacts on your overall health and quality of life. It can lead to social isolation, depression, and cognitive decline. If you're experiencing hearing loss, it's important to seek professional help as soon

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