One of the most prevalent medical issues affecting people worldwide is hearing loss. The WHO estimates that about 430 million people worldwide require rehabilitation to deal with their hearing loss problems. Nearly 2.5 billion individuals worldwide are predicted to have some degree of hearing loss by the year 2050.
The best hearing aids for the deaf in 2024 represent a culmination of technological innovation, user-centric design, and accessibility features, empowering individuals with hearing loss to embrace clarity, connectivity, and a renewed sense of independence in their daily lives.
Hearing aids come in a variety of forms, including in-the-canal (ITC), behind-the-ear (BTE), and in-the-ear (ITE). The type that's best for you will depend on a variety of factors, such as the degree of your hearing loss, the size and shape of your ears, your preferences, convenience of use, and advancements in hearing aid technology.
Before you discover you need hearing aids, it may take some time. After making this crucial decision, you must select the best kind for your requirements. Given the variety of hearing aids available, their varying price points, and functionalities, this can be difficult.
Types of Hearing Aids
There are five different sorts of hearing aids, and these types dictate both how the device fits into your ear and how it functions.
1. Behind-the-ear (BTE):
Non-invasive hearing aids that fit behind the ear are called behind-the-ear (BTE) devices. A tiny plastic earmold fits within the ear and is connected to the hearing aid's case by a thin tube. The hearing aid's electronic components are housed in a small case that rests behind the ear. Sometimes silicone or plastic domes are connected with thin tubes. Sound enters the ear mold and travels into the ear canal through the hearing aid.
BTE hearing aids are well-liked because of their easily adjusted power and performance, as well as their range of amplification levels. They're renowned for being simple to operate even for people with poor dexterity.
Functions of BTE Hearing Aids
BTE hearing aids include the following components, just like other non-surgically fitted hearing aids:
- A battery, either rechargeable or non-rechargeable, powers the sound amplification feature of the hearing aid.
- A microphone that captures sound waves and transforms them into electrical energy that is sent to the amplifier.
- The electrical energy is received by an amplifier, which converts it into a digital signal before sending it through the hearing aid.
- A receiver that transports electrical energy to the ear and transforms it back into audible sound for the user.
2. In-the-ear (ITE):
The ear canal is where these are worn. Leslie Soiles, principal audiologist at HearingLife, defines "ITE hearing aids as a specific style of hearing aids that are custom-made to fit inside the lower portion of the ear." These ear canal devices, which replicate sounds at various frequencies to enhance hearing, are made up of a microphone, amplifier, and receiver.
Functions of BTE Hearing Aids
Like all hearing aids, the ITE hearing aids have five core components. They are:
one or two microphones
an amplifier (makes sound louder)
a microchip (also known as the signal processor)
a loudspeaker (also known as a receiver)
a battery.
3. Receiver-In-The-Ear (RITE) or Receiver-In-Canal (RIC) :
In comparison to behind-the-ear devices, receiver in the canal (RIC) or receiver in the ear (RIE) models are smaller and have a more feature-rich, powerful, and aesthetically pleasing receiver that fits within the ear canal. High frequency noises will be boosted by the hearing aid, while low frequency sounds can be naturally heard by the ear thanks to the receiver in the canal. To put it more clearly, most older adults have normal hearing at low frequencies and moderate hearing loss at high frequencies. This means that even though they can hear sounds during a conversation, they will never be sure if they are understanding it because the speech sounds at the end of each sentence are muffled.
Components of RIC Hearing Aids
The basic components of a RIC hearing aid are as follows:
- The structure that holds the microphones and computer processor
- The earmold or dome
- The speaker or receiver
- The power source
It's ideal to keep yourself as educated with your hearing aids and a new breakthrough in the technology. Ask your query via Book an Appointment today. For more information visit https://hearing.careinc.ca or you can call us today at (403)605-6300